Welcome to Rev John's Page!

Dear Friends,
The Government has stated that all gatherings of worship should cease until further notice. However, we hope to have the sermon and prayers broadcast on Sunday at 10.30 am - just check this website for further details - so that we can join together in spirit from the safety of our own homes. This Sunday marks the day, that is the highlight of our Christian faith, it is Easter Sunday, when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our text this week is from Luke's gospel 24 v13-35, the story of the two people on the Emmaus road, where we see how their grief turned to joy. I look forward to you engaging with our virtual service which will be on the website and our facebook on Sunday morning. As you are aware - we are in the midst of the coronavirus, and at a time like this, it is good for us to look to God, who is our light and know that He is also in the midst of our darkness and fears. The psalmist wrote, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" Ps 119 v105.

Please continually check our Facebook page, as there are always interesting items appearing. RevJohn's Ramblings is a daily broadcast of reflections and prayers going through the book of Luke. You can also see this on my You Tube channel RevJohn's Ramblings.

Every blessing,